We had a great day on Saturday with a roomful of teachers all buzzing with questions, ideas, challenges and solutions. We began with a look at what they are currently doing in terms of transition between ECE and School environments.
Two teachers from Mangere Bridge Kindergarten ( see blog list) who shared their continuing journey with Mangere Bridge and Waterlea Schools. A very inspiring set of stories and ideas. Thanks Pat and Gemma.
Then Tracey Towner from Forrest Hill School shared her exciting learning journey since her involvement in our Cross Sector programme last year. Thank you Tracey.If you want to contact her we have her email address so get in touch with us first.
A final discussion got you thinking about what you could do with the information shared today. This will be sent out to centres who participated and a summary will be posted here at the end of all three seminars.
We look forward to the next two seminars for teachers in other parts of Auckland and apologies again to those who applied but had to be turned down. We originally had only 40 places and have tripled this by running extra days but still refused places to nearly 200 teachers!
How exciting that transition is of such interest to so many teachers in both sectors.
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